Tis the Season
First of all, Happy Thanksgiving!
Have you ever struggled to make a meaningful Thanksgiving craft with your kid? At first, Ezra was thankful for boogers. Then he got distracted by wanting to ride his bike really fast. But he finally hit gold with "mommy and daddy.”
Tomorrow, our family will dive into some traditional Thanksgiving food and watch the Seattle Seahawks game in the evening. Beforehand, the guys might play some yard football while I snuggle under a blanket on the couch and take a nap :)
I always feel a mixture of emotions embracing the upcoming holidays — excitement, nostalgia, and anxiety — and this year I’m wanting to simplify our calendar with a few favorite events to allow as many moments to BREATHE and relax. In a blink, it’s so easy to overfill the schedule. So I’m devoting these next few weeks to sharing what I’m trying and learning this holiday season.
Anticipating Advent
As young parents, we’re still discovering our Christmas traditions. (So far we’ve got cutting down our first real tree and jamming a surprisingly good playlist of traditional-meets-trap music called Merry Trapmas). This year, we’re also trying advent for the first time — as we want to better focus on celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. If you and your family also partake in Advent, I’d be curious to hear how you do it. Comments always welcome!
Advent books and activity bundle from Daily Grace Co.
Whatever holidays you celebrate this season, I wish you a truly special time of memory-making.
I also understand the holidays can have just as many difficult memories. In the next couple weeks, I’ll post some special books about BIG FEELINGS — how to help kids process them — such as grief & loss, disappointment, anger, sadness, and hope.
If I’m not too exhausted, I’ll also share some book-hacks while we’re TRAVELING with a TODDLER over the holidays. Deep breaths. It’s about the memory-making, right? Our little guy is actually a traveling champ — he’s easily content and no more wiggly than you’d expect— but all the packing and bustling still tires me out.
Ez, 2 years, at the airport last spring
This week, we’re reading…
I’ll end with our favorite read-aloud this week. Since moving from the Pacific Northwest to North Carolina, we’ve been really missing a good snow. There’s nothing quite so magical as snowmen that come to life like Frosty. Except these ones help build roads, go on vacation, and do all kinds of silly and serious human things. It’s all the more fun when snowmen do it!
Snowman at Work and Snowmen All Year. These books are SNOW fun.